Oh Won't You Be, My Neighbor.
So long ago I bragged about how many cool HGTV-esque things I would do if I had a place. I planned, I coordinated, I schemed, I dreamed and I exaggerated. I did all these things and I promised to show off the results. Well I did get a place and it's awesome! It's still in need of those finishing touches (hey it's only been 3 weeks, which includes two birthdays and a bunch of work hours!) but I just couldn't wait to post some pictures to give everyone an idea of where I'm at now!I apologize for the heinous amount of images, but I had a realtor moment and couldn't help myself, so check out this virtual tour I put together. . .
Walk around the side of the house, our entrance is in the back.
Ring our doorbell! (yeah, we have one of those!) We're always home and you're always welcome.
Please ignore the monstrosity in the right corner, free parental leftovers are appreciated but have the potential to be eyesores. . .
and voila! what eyesore?
Meet John's favorite part of the house. It was my favorite until he covered the fireplace with a bunch of TV cords and stuff. lol. Apologies for the giant John Malkovich face my John was watching Con-Air (how do you spell that lol)
Because one of my many many aspirations is to be a chef, I love this modern oven. Because I'm super lazy, I love the microwave!
Back through the doorway of the living room you walk into the bedroom. . .
Since the house was built in the 1880's it has a lot of cool features like this built in bookshelf
John's second favorite place in the house. Also where I escape to avoid hearing hours of soccer, video games, or if I want to watch a girly show like "Say Yes to the Dress" (no one laugh. seriously)

We want to put a fold out couch in this bedroom nook for when we have visitors. So come visit us! :)
So, like I said it still needs a few throw pillows, some wall art, some housewarming parties. But I love this place, and I hope you love it too. If you are in the SB neighborhood stop by.