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A Little Lamb Chop for my Valentine

I'm thinking of making lamb for Valentine's Day. I've never made it before but I hear its yummy. I was thinking of this recipe, but I can't decide. A week to go, any ideas?

Courtesy of Everything Fabulous & Vogue China.
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La Vie Boheme

It's raining here and I feel like a canary in a cage. Except I can't sing. Where'd my beautiful SB sunshine go?
It doesn't help that trapped inside all day blog-stalking over at Weekend Host where the most beautiful outdoor images make me want to abandon my material world and pick up la vie boheme. . .
Check out Weekend Host to see more awesomeness + all the sources for these amazing photos.
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O.M.G. Love

I can't really complain about my life. I live in a place where the sun shines 90 percent of the time and the temperature rarely rises above 75 degrees.  I live in a cute little Victorian apt with my awesome boyfriend who makes me steak and corn. What else could a girl ask for? Throw in a couple of bottles of yummy wine a week and a job I'm enjoying and you might just say I'm experiencing a little slice of heaven.

Well I have a nasty secret. I, despite my awesome life, often sucumb to my more vile nature and feel a bit of envy. This envy can come in many forms, whether it be someones shiny car, shiny ring, or shiny new pictures of their whirlwind adventures I often covet other people's shiny things! What can I say, I'm like a little bird I just want to swoop down and grab those shiny things and take them back to my nest.

Instead I take a deep breath. Inhale the salty sea air and remind myself of the ridiculous amount of great things I get to enjoy.  Most importantly I jump online to find my own little snippet of other peoples happiness. Ways I can make their awesomeness my own without being a bungering little happinesss thief. . .

So here is some stuff that I just O.M.G. Love and wish to make my own someday veerry soon

Mardi Gras Macarons; Two Loves In One!