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I've come to find that blogging really highlights all of my character flaws. And I do not appreciate it! lol
For example, after our fair adventures I was supposed to take a bunch of pictures of my clips & post them to etsy & plan a giveaway and notify all you lovely ladies and. . .
the list goes on.
Things I am supposed to do but don't ever get around to.
I fear my gravestone will read "Rachel, the girl who never got around to it" :)
Then I get embarrassed because as I said my shortcomings are on display, for all you readers to read and noticers to notice!
I'm sure at this point you are shaking your head, thinking to yourself "Geez Rachel we all have lives, we don't have the time to notice that kind of crap" (at least I am hoping this is what you are thinking lol)
But maybe this forced self-reflection is a good thing, because I'm sure I could use some accountability in my life.
Whatever happened to the good old days where my mom checked my homework for me?
Oh well it's Friday and although no one checks my homework anymore, no one checks my drinking habits either. Which means they are free to do as they please!
Cheers to the freedoms of adulthood & happy Friday everyone.
I love this image below  by Manuel Rebollo. It puts me in such a Friday mood :) Check him out he is awesome.
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A Little Vanity

Now that my mass production of hairgoods has come to a halt
& I can just create as I please
I'm turning my craft nook into a dressing area.
Because doesn't that just sound fabulous?

We have a recessed area with an enormous window in our bedroom
& I'm going to cover my little craft/patio table with a luxurious tablecloth.
Slide in a clothing rack (did I mention the nook is 6ft wide)
I've always thought clothing racks are so chic to display your most gorgeous items.
& turns out they're affordable
I'll put all my cutest dresses on it, to lift my spirits when I get ready in the morning.
A make up mirror, my make up box, & a jewelry stand (such as this awesome birdcage one from Urban) will finish it off.
Check out this clothing rack from Home Depot

It could turn out this fabulous right? lol
oh & I found these images and saved them awhile ago.
Can't remember from where!
If theyre yours let me know I can remove them or credit you :)