If anything I'm a little Lucille Ball.
But I strive for grace.
Effortless elegance.
Or should I say seemingly effortless.
Because I think that all great things require
at least a bit of effort
if only to get things going.
I am trying to consider myself
a work in progress
because so many times I forget
that I can change things and be different.
if I try!
Now I find advice on etiquette
can often be overbearing, unrealistic, & a wee it pretentious
But at the same there are rewards to be reaped
from putting an effort not only into your appreance
but your demeanor & manner as well.
now like I said I'm not going to list all 100 here because frankly, there are many I just won't be able to work on. (I will never chew each bite 20 times, just not happening lol)
but some are just so simple and will make me feel
like I might just catch Grace Kelly.
1. Send thank you notes
2. Practice good posture (I think my Pilates video has really been helping here!)
3. Listen without interrupting
4.Have a signature wine that you serve guests
5. Read on a variety of topics
6. Maintain a budget (this one is really going to kick my butt)
7. Study & support the arts
8. Have a signature perfume-- I love it when perfume reminds me of someone.
9. Learn French-- I want to do this so I can recognize all these cooking terms I see!
10. Practice quality over quantity. I need to learn this in building my wardrobe
11. Remember birthdays
12. Go on picnics & bike rides!
13. Simplify your home
14. Wear pearls
15. Remember that it's more important to be kind than to be right
16. Serve coffee or tea after meals
17. Don't complain (this one will also be a tough one)
18. Keep your home clean & uncluttered
19. Learn how to host a small dinner party
20. Learn how to make a martini
21. Don't point out mistakes of others unnecessarily
22. Be patient
23. Limit cursing
24. Sip your drink (my habit is to chug! must refrain lol)
25. Accept compliments graciously (I am so bad at this)
26. Have fresh flowers in your home
27. Write letters
28. Keep your nails well manicured
29. Maintain your shoes & clothing (this means do not leave things on the ground Rachel lol)
30. Be well groomed (so maybe I need to wake up a bit earlier so I dont have like 10 mins to get ready lol)
40. Remember that money does not equal elegance.
41. Get your clothes tailored--especially us shorties out there! lol
42. Spray lavender on your sheets. I can tell you that it is very important to me to create the most welcoming bed ever. I spend so much time there I want it to be fabulous.
43. Maintain your health!
44. Think before you speak. Can anything good come from it?
45. Light candles in your home.
46. Give others sincere compliments.
47. Take responsibility for yourself & your own happiness.
48. When you want to buy, create!
49. Give thoughtful gifts, rather than expensive ones.
50. Do things that make you excited about life.
Ok so I've limited the list to fifty. And really these are just little prompts for me. The importance lies in sincerity, since anyone can spot an insincere gesture. Find inspiration in things that feel natural to you, not forced or fake :)