I am clinging to this quote right now.
At my work, our biggest annual fundraising event is coming up in May.
So it's getting a little hairy here.
And, one day after the event is the street fair I'm participating in.
So you could say my I'm a bit overwhelmed.
I miss posting every day! and I miss catching up on all your great stories & posts.
Soon enough.
A social worker with our organization once explained to me the process of visualization.
Just picturing a situation the way you would like it to be
and sending positive energy into the universe for it to happen.
Meditating on the issue.
Kind of like praying.
I did that with the apartment I'm living in now.
In a way you could say "it worked" because we really wanted it & the odds were against us.
But whether or not it was a factor, it was a nice calming practice
So for the next few weeks I'll be visualizing
our booth at the fair filled with customers
all who find my hairclips & headbands irresistable
Our fundraising event going smoothly
and a long vacation afterwards.
On another note, the bf may be going to Europe for work.
Which I've been being a real bitter betty about, since I've never been and he has
and I am more interested in history and culture than him by 100x etc etc etc.
Well, now I'm worried for him because of the volcano and the possibility of further eruptions.
& I was going to try to scrounge up enough money for me to join him on a little vacay after.
So now, I will also be visualizing us both.
Sipping wine at some cafe in Italy
Safe from volcanoes & ash.
& just having a really great relaxing time.
How are you all? Give me some bloggy updates and link to your new and fabulous posts!