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Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!
I stopped by our local celebration last Saturday
It was fun.
The usual hula-hoopers and hackey-sackers
Hope you enjoyed Mama Earth today.
& your day was full of butterflies, flowers, & hippie headbands!
Haha I can't help it, I've been working on headbands way too much.
So happy I was able to sneak in two posts today!

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I love everything about this image.
I want to go home and throw confetti on my floor & scream nonsensical celebratory statements at the top of my lungs. Such as:
Yippee. Woohoo. Cowabunga.
Just to scare the bf.
And make him give me that funny look that gives me butterflies.
That says "Wow you are a crazy lady, but you are my crazy lady & I love you"
It could also just be "Wow wtf have I gotten myself into"
but whatevs, it's Thrusday, that's just how I do.
Plus I really really love this chair.
Thanks Escapade, you rock my socks.
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I Think I Can, I Think I Can . . .

I am clinging to this quote right now.
At my work, our biggest annual fundraising event is coming up in May.
So it's getting a little hairy here.
And, one day after the event is the street fair I'm participating in.
So you could say my I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I miss posting every day! and I miss catching up on all your great stories & posts.
Soon enough.
A social worker with our organization once explained to me the process of visualization.
Just picturing a situation the way you would like it to be
and sending positive energy into the universe for it to happen.
Meditating on the issue.
Kind of like praying.
I did that with the apartment I'm living in now.
In a way you could say "it worked" because we really wanted it & the odds were against us.
But whether or not it was a factor, it was a nice calming practice
So for the next few weeks I'll be visualizing
our booth at the fair filled with customers
all who find my hairclips & headbands irresistable
Our fundraising event going smoothly
and a long vacation afterwards.
On another note, the bf may be going to Europe for work.
Which I've been being a real bitter betty about, since I've never been and he has
and I am more interested in history and culture than him by 100x etc etc etc.
Well, now I'm worried for him because of the volcano and the possibility of further eruptions.
& I was going to try to scrounge up enough money for me to join him on a little vacay after.
So now, I will also be visualizing us both.
Sipping wine at some cafe in Italy
Safe from volcanoes & ash.
& just having a really great relaxing time.
How are you all? Give me some bloggy updates and link to your new and fabulous posts!
Check out ValentinaDesign on Etsy to buy this truth for yourself!