La Moustache
Ok, so I spend a lot of my time blog-stalking. I have abandoned my evening telly, shirked my responsibilities in the kitchen, and on occasion forgotten my night time shower. Only once. I swear I'm clean!The interesting thing I've come across in this new found pass time of mine is the pronounced existence of trends amongst the group of blogs I follow. What do I mean? I've seen this awesome little sub on about six different blogs now. It's kind of like a chain letter, once one person posts something awesome it follows the little blog linkies on and on and on into oblivion.
A trend I've noticed besides little tea subs is the current love of mustaches in the craft world. No longer is the mustache reserved for porn stars and 70's cops. It has crossed over into the mainstream and can be found on blogs everywhere, crafts project here & there, and a mini montage right here! Something about a little upper lip hair is so intriguing. So honor your dad circa 1976 and bust out a mustache project in your home today!
Order a coffee, get a mustache in Sydney
Mustache Party @ Hostess with the Mostess
Circus + Mustache = Fun @ The Winding Road (via my friend Bits & Baubles)
A true handlebar mustache