Mid-Day Mini Post: Best Date Ever
So while doing my daily blog-stalk dance I came across Mrs. Southern Bride's post reminiscing about a date she will always remember.Now, Mrs. Southern Bride's stories always make me a little envious.
Not because I don't think I share a special love with the bf, or doubt that he is the one, and not because I don't want good things for Mrs. Southern Bride. My jealousy stems from the fact that she is so good at expressing all the little things that make her husband great, and their relationship happy.
I on the other hand tend to channel my inner child when it comes to gushing about the bf.
"Hey dork, you smell" is my "I think you are amazing and you make me complete"
I am easily side tracked by work stress and petty annoyances.
Boo on me.
So today I thought I would share my favorite date memory (besides when he accidentally ate a blob of Wasabi hidden under lettuce leaves and had a mini meltdown :)
We were still in college. In what some people can relate to as that awkward time when you are still just friends, but dating, but not acknowledging a status. I know, very stupid :)
Anyway I was hanging out in his room, sans roommates. A rarity.
Flipping through the channels we skipped over our usual National Geographic shows (another past time I adored with him) and stumbled upon Ferngully.
Yes, the nineties animated musical about fairies & deforestation in the Amazon.
We proceeded to watch this ridiculous movie & order Chinese food.
I knew then that if this guy would watch Ferngully with me & laugh while devouring some chow mein, there was something serious on the horizon for us
Please share your best date stories, as at least for me it has been so enjoyable to remember some really great times that slip my mind far too often.
Best date, I guess I have to say when my husband proposed. He'd probably be upset if I didn't say that haha. But I'm like you, it's the times where we've just been doing normal almost boring things but I loved being with him that made me realize I wanted to spend my life with him. And I also say things like 'hey you smell' lol.
One of the best dates with my hubby is when I first came to visit him in L.A. and he took me to the boardwalk on Manhanttan beach and there were these two cement chairs with the inscription of being husband and wife, king and queen for eternity. He wasn't proposing but I knew he was serious! Then later when we were walking he screamed "I love you" and someone from an apartment yelled back I love you too! It was kind of cute. Not your typical dinner and a movie date but a space in time that makes my happy. xoxo
I <3 Fern Gully
I <3 Chinese food!!!
gah, I've had lotsa lovely dates with my guy... For some reason this is sticking out.. I was living with him in Australia, and I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks, he was so sweet visiting everyday. Towards the end of my stay, I was okay enough to leave the hospital in between IVs, but I was still really weak and couldn't walk for long. But I was ITCHING to get out of that place, and he picked me up and whisked me away...
We went to the beach, and I laid there with my hospital wristband and feeling crap, but lying in the sun was the most amazing feeling ever. He took me to Nando's Portuguese Chicken (so good!) and then back to his room, where we just laid together (so nice after sleeping without him 2 weeks in the hospital). He was so attentive and sweet, and really wanted to help me get re-acquainted with the world and spoil me w/ my favorite food I'd been missing!
Awe...thank you for the sweet mention.Now I totally feel special. ;-)
Your date night sounds fun! I love the randomness that our guy's will enjoy with us...makes life so fun! :)
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