Becoming a Mrs.
In exactly one year I will become a Mrs.
This time a year from now I'll be downing my last few glasses of pure vodka wine, dancing the night away with my new husband and lamenting the fact that I only have a few moments left in my beautiful white dress.
A day worth commemorating a year before its even happened.
A couple of Chocolate Bliss cupcakes and a
spliff of cheap champagne.
The only combination appropriate for this pseudo-celebration.
It's kind of like a teen romance. Where you celebrate your "one-month" anniversary.
Which looking back on you just laugh, but at the time you are so excited you can't not acknowledge it.
So cheers to being a Mrs.
Only 365 days to go.
Love this post Rach! Happy One Year Til Your Big Day -Day!
xx Vivian @
AH! i love this post. amazing. i love champagne and cupcakes too. **squeals with excitement for you** ((ps i am updating the shop this weekend - a daunting task but i will let you know if youd like to score a super cool one-of-a-kind onesie :D
have a FABULOUS FRIDAY xoxoox
So exciting! I still celebrate our dating anniversary.. not like a big deal.. but a hey-I'm-not-cooking-tonight-kinda way.. Those cupcakes look so yummy..
omg steph they WERE so yummy. it looks like a lot of frosting but they make the cake batter a little less sweet so the sweet frosting balances it out. and the frosting is so fluffy. . . yum lol
Cheers to one year til your big day!!! Thank you for all of the sweet comments, you are too kind. Your blog was the first I followed... you sucked me in with your strawberry brushetta :)
Definitely a cause for celebration! :)
Very exciting!!
Being mawwied is the best ;)
Thanks for your comment, I took last week off so I've been at the pool! I decided to take my post ramblings down cuz everyone was way off of where I was going. And I was getting what I felt like were superficial answers. Maybe I will e-mail it to you and see what you think... ;) anyhoo, have you started looking for dresses??
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