
Seriously, This is Too Much for a Tuesday Morning

Ok big big news. I have received my 2nd (yes that means I now have two) blog award and or shout out! Seriously these things confuse me. Like you pass them along? So if I'm mentioned I pass it along? I don't know and in all honesty, I dont care :) My interpretation is that if you mention me then I'm a winner! Same applies if I mention you! If I'm wrong then sue me, and watch as the judge laughs that you are going to court over a blog award ;) So woot woot & toot-a-loot!  I think you are trying to disprove my theory that Tuesday mornings suck. Thank you Jessica of Adventures of a Wife & Mom. Apparently there are strings attached to this, being that I have to share all my personal information with you.  It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for such an honor.  If this keeps up and I maintain my tradition of having some bubbly, you will have me drowning in booze! Ah well, I do love to skinny dip.
Cheers to swimming and check out my secrets below, along with 10 blogs that I think rock-the-casbah.

1.  I am fluent in Spanish because I was in an immersion program as a kid.
2.  One of my favorite books is The World According to Garp by John Irving. Its the shiz.
3.  I am not a natural red-head (I know, gasp!) but people continually think I am :)
4.  My dad is from Ireland which makes me automatically capable of obtaining dual citizenship.
5.  I have an abnormally large belly-button. But at least its not an outie. (Sorry outies!)
6.  When I was 11 I really wanted a pixie cut because it was so in (that's right I was cutting edge even then).  Well I got one and looked like a scary boy. Now I have really, really long hair.
7.  I wear way too much black & gray. Sorry, black is so chic!
8.  I once worked at a Vietnamese Karaoke Bar/Restaurant.
9.  I want a Coton de Tulear, badly.
10.  I was a Comparative Literature major and I hate grammar! People seem to find really surprising.

I'm not as cool as Jessica with her gangster rap minivan rides and rendezvous with the stars but I try.
Now for ten blogs I'm loving right now!
1.  Carbon Couture
2.  P.S. I made this
3.  Outsapop
4.  Everything Fabulous
5.  Brunch at Saks
6. The Little Fashion Treasury
7.  Sunday Suppers
and of course the people I gave a previous shout out to such as Daydream Believer, Bits & Baubles, Gorgeous Glam, Miss Makes Alot & Bardot in Blue

Whew I'm tired. Promise to post something a little later that everyone can enjoy, cheers!


Anonymous | March 16, 2010 at 8:47 AM

i, too, had the pixie cut nightmare in my awkward years!! .... congrats on the award, it is well deserved!! *cheers* ...and thanks for the shout-out :D

T.P. | March 16, 2010 at 9:14 AM

I am actually reading The World According to Garp right now, thanks to your recommendation.

Gorgeous Glam | March 16, 2010 at 10:04 AM

Congrats! Thanks for the shout out doll! That is so funny that you hate grammar! It gets on my nerves sometimes too! lol :) xoxo

Jessica | March 16, 2010 at 1:29 PM

Yay! You are definitly way cooler than me....minus the mini van, or my mini as I like to call it!

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS | March 16, 2010 at 3:40 PM

Congrats on the awards! I just learned so much about you :) xo

P.S. I have a sweet giveaway going on today!

Haleigh | March 18, 2010 at 3:36 AM

Congrats on your second AWARD!! And thanks for the shout out :-D

Number 6 is the same exact story as me! LOL except at the time I thought my pixie cut (more like a bowl cute) looked really really good HAHA.

xoxo Haleigh @ Bardot in Blue

The Little Fashion Treasury | March 19, 2010 at 5:13 AM

Thank you sooooooo much, Rachel!
You are such a sweetheart!!!!
Congratulations on your award!
So nice to know a little bit more about you ;)

Wishing you a sunshiney weekend ahead and many more
awards to come!

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